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The individuals living at Woolston Road have access to a minibus for getting out and about and the home is also close to public transport links. We just wanted to say a huge thank you to you all, for all the love, care and understanding, you have shown mum since she moved into the home. It’s been so reassuring to know she is safe, happy and surrounded by love. We spoke with three people who use the service, three relatives of people, three staff and the manager.

We saw soiled incontinence pads wrapped up in soiled laundry had been sent to the laundry room. This posed a risk of injury to people using these doors regularly. We also identified concerns around some aspects of the environment and infection control.
Aspen Lodge Care Home
He is very happy in his comfortable room which such lovely meals and especially enjoys the films shown on a big screen. At the time of the inspection, one person was protected appropriately by the safeguards. We saw five beds which were stained and a bath which was damaged and posed a risk to people using the service. There were some malodours throughout the service and the communal areas were in need of some refurbishment. Carpets and floors were not being effectively cleaned regularly.
Care plans were well organised and contained detailed information about each person’s individual needs. Care records detailed people’s preferences and dislikes and past life history. Where appropriate, relatives were included in the reviews of the care plans. The service had identified the minimum numbers of staff required to meet people’s needs and these were being met. People’s bedrooms were comfortable and personalised to reflect people’s individual tastes.
Great Activities & Relaxed Environment.
I would like to just repeat my thanks to you all for making her last few months more comfortable for her and to wish you a healthy and safe future. At Springfield Care Home we promote dignity every step of the way. Whilst one complaint had been made and addressed appropriately, the provider had not made people aware of the complaints procedure.

I would like to say that Springfield care home is second to none, all the staff are helpful and friendly. Thank you so much for the love and care you gave my dad, you truly made him a happy man and he never lost his sparkle. Thank you so much for getting the vaccinations done so quickly to our loved ones. You are the best care home in Southampton at a very reasonable price.
The team
You just couldn’t ask for a better place.” The other told us about an incident involving their relative and said the service’s response had been positive. Staff provided a range of activities for people and took time to encourage them to join. People could move around the home and spend time as they wished.

South Haven Lodge is situated in a quiet residential area in Woolston, just 0.3 of a mile from Woolston Station and 2.2 miles from the centre of Southampton. The dining area has been designed to make mealtimes an enjoyable social occasion for the residents with tables for four. Full central heating and carpeting are provided throughout the home which is all ground floor. Our accommodation comprises of 35 ground floor single bedrooms, all with en-suite facilities.
About South Haven Lodge
The provider had audit systems in place to people were well cared for and risks to their safety managed. Audits included medication, health and safety, record keeping and cleaning. Audits showed areas which needed action to improve and records showed these had been addressed. The audits were then reviewed by a senior manager to ensure appropriate action had been taken. This meant the manager and provider had an overall view of the service and how people's needs were being met. Our home manager has a number of years’ experience managing social care services.

The staff team work to ensure close links with the community, enabling the people we support to access opportunities for education and leisure pursuits. The service was not responsive across all aspects of its service. People’s needs had been assessed before they moved into the home. Records confirmed people’s preferences were noted and formed part of the care plan. People were supported to maintain relationships with their friends and relatives. People told us they could made choices such as what they ate, when they got up, when they went to bed and when they bathed.
Complaints were recorded, investigated and responded to and appropriate action taken, including additional training, to reduce the risk of a similar occurrence happening again. People were supported by staff who had received relevant training to enable them to support people. New staff had completed an initial induction to the home as wells as a formal certificate of induction.

We saw staff putting a hand gently on people’s backs when they were walking, which was showing the person they were there to support them. People were supported by sufficient staff who had received relevant training to enable them to support people effectively. People were able to walk around the building independently and sit in the garden if they wished. I started as a support worker with no care experience and have worked in multiple roles throughout my career ranging from support worker to Operations Manager.
The numbers of tablets were not always correct against the records which meant tablets could be missing as staff did not know how many tablets there should be in the home. Some people were prescribed medicines “when required” but there was not a care plan in place for two of these people to guide staff in a consistent way when supporting people. The issues around medication had not been identified through the process of auditing. To treat service users as individuals using the person centred approach to achieve a holistic plan of care.

“We just wanted to say a huge thank you to you all, for all the love, care and understanding, you have shown mum since she moved into the home. It was nice to know that she was receiving the good care and company that she had been in need of for some time. The thing which made this all possible was the fact that you agreed Kylie to allow Eddie the dog to come in with her as she would never have made the move without him.
South Haven Lodge, Woolston, Southampton
At the time of the inspection there were 20 people living at the service. We found that people did have choice on a daily basis and that staff knew them and their needs well. Staff respected people's privacy and dignity when they supported them with personal care.

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